Here's a Bunny! Audiation Steps
Print out the page found here and laminate it.
Cut the cards out along the gray lines. Each card matches one line of the Here’s a Bunny! chant.
Say the chant and show the children the corresponding picture.
Have the children put the cards in story order.
Say the chant with the children, tap the number of “beats” for each line on each card and then move to the next card.
Turn card #2 face down. Ask the children to listen. Begin to say the chant out loud. When you reach the line illustrated by card #2, say that line in your head. Resume saying the chant out loud when you reach the line illustrated by card #3 and finish the chant as represented by card #4.
Ask the children, "What did I do?" Some of the children may reply, "You stopped." or "You skipped #2." You might reply, "Did I really stop?" or "Did I really skip it?" This should lead the children to answer "You said it in your mind."
Describe what it means to "audiate." In this case, to "say" that part of the chant in your mind - not out loud.
Ask the children to say the chant and to audiate when they reach card number two. When they reach the 3rd card, they are to resume saying the chant out loud (as you just demonstrated).
Have the children say the chant three more times. Each time turn one additional card face down and audiate that section of the chant. The best order to do this is card #2; #2 and #3; #1, #2, and #3; all the cards.
It is wonderful when the children are able to audiate the entire chant and perform the motions in a synchronized manner.